Something New Is On The Way

The core idea of MipYip was awesome – share prompts, and make Generative AI better.  With further advances in the AI space, and other players in the prompt sharing world, MipYip’s goals were achieved, just not by us! And that’s ok.


We’re rebranding

We’ll be keeping the core MipYip site available for a while as a rememberance of what we tried to accomplish. But MipYip the brand will soon be something new!

A Crowdspace for tasty prompts

Create. Share. Remix.

MipYip is a community platform for prompt creation. Leverage the power of crowdsourcing and explore a world of prompts crafted by diverse minds, and break out of the cycle of trial and error, fast-tracking your prompt creation process.


amazing prompts for your favorite AI services, like ChatGPT, Bard, MidJourney, and Stable Diffusion


your own incredible prompts and accelerate the collective knowledge and power of AI


your own incredible prompts and accelerate the collective knowledge and power of AI

What’s New

ADD Quiz

ADD Quiz

This prompt will start ChatGPT down the road of diagnosing (for entertainment purposes) ADD.  Ask the prompt, answer the questions, and see how it goes!

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Personal Branding Quiz and Assistance

Personal Branding Quiz and Assistance

Works with both but has a tendency to hallucinate in GPT3. This prompt will help you to improve your personal brand! GPT will ask you a series of questions and guide you to a better understanding of how you can improve your online presence, professional reputation,...

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Latest News

Welcome to MiPYiP!

We’re excited to announce the initial, alpha release of MiPYiP! Over the next few days, we’ll be updating various sections of the site as we prepare for a full beta rollout (and begin promoting the site across social media and other platforms!)

So get your killer prompts ready and prepare to make the world of AI a better one!